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During your stay at the Parkhaven, you can use the facilities and capabilities of De Zwarte Zwaan. Below you will find some choices for a lunch or dinner. Coffeetable Unlimited coffee and tea,milk and one glass of jus d’orange....
Step on board of De Zwarte Zwaan for a dinner at the Maas. Our chef will prepare the most delicious dishes. Unlimited meat/fish, simply fantastic. Either with friends, family or colleagues, a grill menu is always successful. Hospitality and...
A real group activity begins at Groepsuitje Rotterdam. Experience Rotterdam in the best way possible. Activities Lasergame Rotterdam Who is going to lasergame will be held under fire in a very unique environment. You are in the boats hold, that...
Drinks & snacks at restaurant De Zwarte Zwaan are always extremely cosy. The atmosphere and wonderful view of de Maas create a relaxed feeling. There is plenty of room to lounge, sit, stare and talk. Waiters will be at...
Come to De Zwarte Zwaan and enjoy our all-in-one arrangement! It includes unlimited food and drinks at Restaurant De Zwarte Zwaan and making use of all attractions at the Parkhaven. This arrangement includes: Participation in two or three attractions...